EXHIBITIONS > Tryst 2023


we make history not money
Proyectos Raúl Zamudio
78 Jane St.
NY, NY, 10014

TRYST 2023, Torrance, CA
OCTOBER 27-29, 2023
VIP Preview: Friday Oct. 27th, 4-6pm
HOURS: Saturday + Sunday (Oct. 28-29): 12-6pm

TRYST is the world's largest international art fair for artist run initiatives featuring painting sculpture, video art, installation art and more from over 60 international artist-run spaces.
This event was held alongside Nomad II, a 3-day pop-up exhibition of Southern California based Contemporary art.

Artists: Eduardo Cervantes, Jeanette Doyle, Shahram Entekhabi, Eugenio Merino & INDECLINE, Martin Durazo, Noël Hennelly, Lazaro Juan, Bennett Liebman, Ferran Martin, Emma MCCagg, Laura Mega, Jason, Mena, Riiko Sakkinen, Jula San Martin, Sari Tervaniemi


1. Laura Mega
The Dreamcatcher, embroidery on fabric from an old trousseau and glow-in-the-dark embroidery thread, 23 inches x 11 inches, 2023, 800.004

2. Jason Mena
A Brief History of Colonialism, HD video with audio, 44 seconds, 2023

3. Bennett Liebman
Sun Made Man, HD video with audio, 1 minute, 50 seconds, 2023

4. Lazaro Juan
Untitled (patay ang diyos), mixed-media, site-specific installation, dimensions variable, 2019-

5. Emma McCagg
Black or White, acrylic, enamel on canvas, mounted with duct tape,
40 inches x 27 inches, 2019

6. Julia San Martin
Casa de Muneca, Tres tomas, Whiote Power, HD video, no sound, 3 min. 38 sec. 2017

7. Eduardo Cervantes

8. Shahram Entekhabi
A.Self-Portrait as a Fountain, HD video with audio, 50 sec., 2013
B. Untitled (from the Atlas Shrugged series), watercolor, 2013

9. Ferran Martin
A. Bird, mixed-media, 8.5 inches x 11 inches, 2023
B. La Reyna oil on canvas, 16 inches x 24 inches

10. Jeanette Doyle
A. Ansaldo Water painting 8" x 10" Hand treated digital print on hand treated water color paper (2012)
B. Sleeping Beauty, HD video with audio, 24 min, 2013
C. Ansaldo Water painting 8" x 10" Hand treated digital print on hand treated water color paper (2012)

12 Sari Tervaniemi
Danger, digital photograph, 16 inches x 20 inches

13 Eugenio Morino & INDECLINE
A. Freedom Kick, HD video with audio, on digital print, 2019

14. Riiko Sakkinen
Art World Shit, digital prints on soup cans, dimensions variable, 2020

15. Noël Hennelly
A. LaBrea , acrylic on inkjet, plywood wheel, 26onches x 16 inches, 9 inches, 2023
B. Eurydice, inkjet on pine, mirror, wir, 6 inches x 6 inches, 2023

16. Martin Durazo
Untitled, (white +purple), acrylic, and spray paint on holographic paper, 24 inches x 24 inches, 2022

17. Martin Durazo
Kids of the Black Hole, dollhouse, readymade objects, mini fog- machine, mixed-media, on musician’s travel case, dimensons variable, 2022-2023