Biennial Means Necessary I
Biennial Means Necessary opens April 13, 6-9pm; it will consist of two parts, the first from April 13-May 12; part 2, May 18-June 16.
Part 1: Terry Berkowitz, Stuart Croft, Jeannette Doyle, Laura Elkins, Shahram Entekhabi, Fabian Freese, Marcus Glitteris, Noël Hennelly, Fabio Herrera, Andrew Ellis Johnson, Paul Loughney, Emma McCagg, Elin O’Hara Slavick, Julia San Martin, Sari Tervaniemi, Etienne Warneck
Biennial Means Necessary I
April 13-May 12
Opens April 13, 6-9pm
Jane's Room
78 Jane St.
NY, NY 10014
Proyectos Raul Zamudio is pleased to present Biennial Means Necessary, an international, mixed-media, group exhibition. The title takes its name from two sources, the ubiquitous biennial that plagues the contemporary art world, and a phrase associated with some of the most iconic individuals of the latter part of the twentieth century: Jean Paul Sartre, Frantz Fanon, and Malcolm X.
Portmanteau=a word or phrase blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example motel (from ‘motor’ and ‘hotel’) or brunch (from ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’)
Biennial=(an event) lasting for two years or occurring every two years; biennale, the Italian word for "biennial" and a term used to describe an international exhibition of contemporary art, stemming from the use of the phrase for the Venice Biennale. (The English form, "biennial", is also commonly used to describe these art events.)
By any means necessary= attributed to three sources, Jean-Paul Sartre, Frantz Fanon, Malcolm X